Posts Tagged ‘ fruitfulness ’

Thoughts From a Young Man: How You End Matters Most

“I will condemn you with your own words, YOU WICKED SERVANT” Luke 19:22
What a person begins as is not the true indication of who the person is. The indication of what a person is how he or she finishes. This man seemed a servant but knowing his master he did not obey. He did not act in accordance with his knowledge of who is master is and he is seen to be what he is. Does this not point clearly to Judas Iscariot? Judas seemed a disciple but in the end he showed himself to be no more than a hypocrite. It is a stern warning to each of us to look and ask who are we? Are we walking in light of who our saviour is? The connection between who Christ is and how we live is so deep. As we know and trust increasingly in the Character and Nature of Christ and His father, for they are one, then we will increasing walk as he describes his follower in Luke 12:29-34
“And do not seek what you are to eat and drink, nor be worried…your Father in heaven knows that you need then. Instead seek His kingdom and these will be added to you. Fear not little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy…for where your treasure is there will your heart be also.”
As we trust God’s nature we live as He calls us to love and we bear fruit consistent with his nature. We will give and trust that he loves and provides. We will wait in humble submission dutifully making preparations for his return. We will produce fruit that marks us as his disciples not because we have to but because that is what a disciple of Jesus does. As a grape vine naturally produces grapes so also will we naturally produce Jesus-like fruit.
This is what Jesus said will happen. The sermon on the mount outlines what his disciples will look like. Luke 15-17:3 all lead to two verses 4-5.
Lord Give us faith to believe that God is as he says he is!
Jesus responds, if you had any faith God would be as God is and he will do it through you. Why? Because that is who God is!
God’s “Godliness” is holy and wholly independent of us His servants. It is his servants who live and walk in faith, humility, and dependence on the Character and Nature of their Father, of whom Christ is a Portrait, and there by God makes himself known. This is the power given us in the spirit. And our lives must be marked by fruitfulness that is abundant and Christlike; fruit on consistent with His nature is obviously not his fruit. Who is your fruit like? Is it consistent with your saviour? This is the call of this passage look and assess yourself. Did you begin in the spirit and are you now walking in the flesh? How can one who begun in Christ finish in another manner? Did you then begin in Christ.